Art inspired by pioneering research on mycelia at VUB

Art and Design

The Whitehouse Gallery in Brussels this week opens a unique exhibition of work by artist Isabel Fredeus, which innovatively merges science and art. The exhibition is the result of a year-long collaboration between Fredeus and Elise Elsacker of the microbiology research group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

Economics - Sep 9

Research debunks myths about migration and return


Since the 1990s, the European Union has worked intensively with non-EU countries to discourage irregular migration and promote the return of irregular migrants.

Environment - Sep 4

Research uncovers the Ecological Impact of Herbivore Dung on Plant Communities


Xingzhao Sun of the research group Wildness, biodiversity and ecosystems under change of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) explored the complex ecological interactions between herbivore dung and

VUB astrophysicist investigates noise in gravitational waves to unravel the universe’s earliest phases

Astronomy & Space

Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. The phenomenon can be compared to ripples on a sheet when a heavy ball is placed on it and spun around.

You share more than you know: dating apps and privacy are not always a good match

Popular dating apps introduce tighter data security measures in response to KU Leuven research. Dating apps have become an essential tool for people who are looking for a date or partner.