VUB spin-off instrumental in digitalisation of Flemish primitive artist Hans Memling

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Detail from Memling’s St. John Altarpiece © Universum Digitalis
Detail from Memling’s St. John Altarpiece © Universum Digitalis

To mark the reopening of the Museum St John’s Hospital in Bruges on 16 December, the paintings of Hans Memling have been digitalised. Universum Digitalis, a spin-off of VUB’s Department of Electronics and Informatics (ETRO) played a crucial role in the process. The spin-off, under the leadership of Professor Frederik Temmermans, processed hundreds of high-resolution detail shots captured by the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage using meticulous methodology, at the request of museum association Musea Brugge. Universum Digitalis created gigapixel images for use online, as well as for further research in a range of applications.

The works are available online in high resolution, allowing visitors to admire the master’s tiniest details. ...

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