Three VUB students to compete for coveted PhD Cup

© Kevin Faingnaert
© Kevin Faingnaert
Three Vrije Universiteit Brussel doctoral students are in the running to win the coveted Flemish PhD Cup on 19 October. The 16 shortlisted candidates have been announced by non-profit SciMingo, which organises the competition. VUB will be represented by Diederik Coppitters, Ellen Roels and Annelies Augustyns. Whoever can best explain their research simply and effectively to a general audience will take home the prize.

Diederik Coppitters (Engineering)

Diederik Coppitters (°1993) obtained his PhD from VUB and UMONS in 2021. His research into resilient design methods for energy supplies indicates that focusing on renewables and energy storage offers the best guarantee of a stable and resilient energy mix, whatever challenges the future brings. ...
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