New UCL discovery in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

New UCL discovery in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Researchers at the UCLouvain have made a major new discovery in the research on bacteria. Jean-François Collet, professor at UCL’s de Duve Institute, and his team have shown that when you change the structure of a bacterium, you decrease its ability to detect environmental stress and to activate stress responses against antibiotics. A breakthrough that opens the door to promising new treatments.

Bacteria have always existed. They appeared on earth long before us, millions of years ago. For several centuries, man has been constantly exploring them to understand how they work and, above all, to try to fight them. To better explain bacteria, Jean-François Collet, a researcher at the de Duve Institute of UCL, likes to compare them to a castle with a double protective enclosure. ...

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