news 2019
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Environment - Administration - 08.08.2019
Researchers eye Alaska thaw
32°C. This summer saw the highest temperature ever recorded in southern Alaska. What are the consequences for the environment and ice melt? UCLouvain researchers will go to Alaska (15/08 to 6/09) to analyse soil (permafrost) thawing The mission's goal is to understand and clarify thaw impact on the quantities of greenhouse gases emitted in the Arctic The historical record of 32° C in southern Alaska in early July 2019 exposed permafrost (permanently frozen ground) to an unprecedented temperature rise.
Computer Science - Administration - 23.07.2019
Anonymising personal data ’not enough to protect privacy’, shows UCLouvain’s new study
Current methods for anonymising data leave individuals at risk of being re-identified , according to new research from University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and Imperial College London This research is published in Nature Communications Nature article: Luc Rocher , researcher at the mathematical engineering department of University of Louvain (UCLouvain) : mobile on request , luc&peri