news 2020
Social Sciences
Results 1 - 3 of 3.
Health - Social Sciences - 08.05.2020
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on autistic adults
Research at Ghent University shows that COVID-19 pandemic affects mental health and daily lives of autistic adults. Research group EXPLORA (Ghent University) has set up an online survey to investigate the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and daily lives of adults on the autism spectrum.
Social Sciences - 13.04.2020
Domestic violence in Belgium in times of corona
Corona measures such as staying at home and keeping your distance cause tension and stress, which can increase the risk of aggression.
Social Sciences - Innovation - 22.02.2020
Ghent University stimulates research with impact via new interdisciplinary research consortia
The acclaimed exhibition on Jan Van Eyck, recommendations on drug policy, relevant campaigns on sexual health, etc.