news 2023
New hearing technology objectively measures how well a person understands speech
How liveable will Brussels be in 2050? VUB researchers explore prospects
Results 1 - 4 of 4.
Innovation - 07.11.2023

New software, developed at KU Leuven, can use brain waves to determine whether a person understands speech well. The researchers were able to successfully apply the technology for the first time to young, hearing-impaired children. In Flanders, one in a thousand infants come into the world with a severe hearing loss.
Innovation - Transport - 27.07.2023
VUB charging technology to make electric driving more pleasant and efficient
Anyone who sets off on holiday in their electric car needs to carefully plan their journey to avoid getting stranded without power along the way. Researchers at EPOWERS, a research group that works at the VUB MOBI research centre, have developed a technology that significantly extends the range of electric vehicles up to 1,000 km with a limited number of recharges.
Innovation - 19.05.2023
Investigating water-based propulsion of microsatellites
The University of Luxembourg together with Bradford Deep Space Industry have recently started a partnership collaboration to build an efficient and reliable numerical model for water-based propulsion of microsatellites. Sustainability in space Back in the spotlight, the space market is in a great expansion and stretching the limits every day.
Innovation - 21.03.2023

VUB researchers have drawn up four possible scenarios for everyday mobility in Brussels in 2050. The Remobilise project is being carried out by the Mobilise research group and is funded by Innoviris, the Brussels agency for technology and innovation. "The future doesn't always develop as we expect," says Sara Tori, PhD researcher at Mobilise and one of the authors of the Remobilise project.