Results 1 - 20 of 195.
Health - 20.08.2024
Healing: how does skin regenerate?
From solid to "liquid", how skin regenerates after a wound - Researchers at the Free University of Brussels have discovered that wound healing relies on a change in the physical properties of the skin. The ability to repair tissue following injury is essential to the survival of animals. Following a wound, the skin repairs itself through the activation, migration and division of skin stem cells.
Health - Environment - 06.08.2024
Increased risk for swimming in southern Europe due to emergence of tropical parasite
New KU Leuven research shows that the risk of contracting schistosomiasis, an infectious disease caused by a parasitic flatworm, will increase considerably over the next century.
Life Sciences - Health - 25.07.2024
Building bridges between cells for brain health
The brain contains many cell types, from the prominent neurons to the lesser-known microglia. The latter are integral to the brain's immune system and play a crucial role as the brain's cleanup crew. A recent study conducted by researchers from the University Hospital Bonn and the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg, in collaboration with colleagues from France, Hungary, and Germany, highlights that microglia establish connections with neurons through tunnelling nanotubes.
Health - Pharmacology - 05.07.2024
New approach to chronic pain
Chronic pain is one of the most challenging problems facing society. It has a significant impact on the daily lives of 23% of the population, and the care given to patients experiencing persistent pain is often not appropriate. The Pain in Motion research group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) focuses on improving healthcare providers' understanding and treatment of persistent pain.
Health - Life Sciences - 05.07.2024
COVID-19 at the university: A story that keeps unfolding
Early in the pandemic, scientists at the University of Luxembourg started to use their expertise to better understand the virus, its acute symptoms and longer-term consequences, and find effective responses against its propagation. Even if the crisis has passed, researchers are still investigating different aspects of the disease.
Health - Life Sciences - 29.05.2024
Deep stimulation of the human brain: a new non-invasive technique EPFL-UCLouvain
Scientists at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), led by Prof. Friedhelm C. Hummel and post-doctoral fellow Pierre Vassiliadis (EPFL and UCLouvain Institute of Neuroscience), have successfully tested a new technique enabling deep stimulation of the human brain, without surgery or implants, for potential therapeutic purposes.
Life Sciences - Health - 23.05.2024
Genetic risk scores for Parkinson’s for precision medicine approach
An interdisciplinary team from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg, together with international collaborators, established that a combination of small variations in genes regulating mitochondria, an important component of human cells, is associated with a higher risk for Parkinson's disease.
Health - Pharmacology - 21.05.2024
Could naked mole rats be the key to fighting cancer?
A ULB study reveals a new advance in our understanding of the immune system of the naked mole rat, opening up prospects for cellular immunotherapy of cancer . During the development of cancer, the immune system is able to exert antitumor activity thanks to natural killer (NK) cells and T lymphocytes.
Health - Pharmacology - 22.04.2024
Predicting arrhythmia 30 minutes before it happens
Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia worldwide with around 59 million people concerned in 2019 . This irregular heartbeat is associated with increased risks of heart failure, dementia and stroke. It constitutes a significant burden to healthcare systems, making its early detection and treatment a major goal.
Health - Life Sciences - 04.04.2024
Once upon a time, there was a cerebral blood vessel...
A ULB team has discovered how blood vessels in the brain are formed and how they differ from other vessels in the body. A major breakthrough that could lead to new therapeutic approaches . Cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction and stroke, is the world's leading cause of death, claiming around 18 million lives a year.
Health - Pharmacology - 04.04.2024
Stool transplantation shows promise for Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Arnout Bruggeman (VIB-UGent-UZ Gent), Prof. Debby Laukens (UGent), Prof. Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke (VIB-UGent) en Prof. Patrick Santens (UZ Gent) Clinical study shows stool transplantation of healthy gut bacteria reduces Parkinson's disease symptoms. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease that affects millions worldwide.
Health - Life Sciences - 26.03.2024
XCT protein is key link in inhibiting pancreatic cancer growth and limiting mood disturbances
VUB researchers show xCT protein is key link in inhibiting pancreatic cancer growth and limiting mood disturbances The xCT protein, which plays an important role as a transport molecule in the cell, could play a part in cancer treatment in the future, researchers at VUB have discovered. Their work is the result of a collaboration between the research groups of neuroscientist Ann Massie of the Laboratory of Neuro-Aging & Viro-Immunotherapy and pancreatic cancer expert Ilse Rooman of the Laboratory for Medical and Molecular Oncology.
Health - Sport - 07.03.2024
Taking women’s bodies into account: the impact of the menstrual cycle and contraception on sports performance
Researcher Marine Carpentier (Laboratoire de physiologie cardio-respiratoire à l'effort) tackles a blind spot in motor science research: the influence of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception on sports performance. On this International Women's Rights Day, she shares her findings, initial hypotheses and research prospects with us .
Life Sciences - Health - 29.02.2024
A mechanism for healthy brain development
Scientists at UCLouvain have discovered that the balance between two proteins plays a decisive role in brain development. The study is published in the American Association for the Advancement of Science's (AAAS) prestigious journal Science Advances . During embryonic development, cells continuously receive numerous stimuli to which they react via intracellular signals.
Health - Life Sciences - 28.02.2024
Newly discovered protein blocks sleeping sickness
Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, is a neglected tropical disease that affects millions of people and is fatal if left untreated. Most treatments and preventative options, however, are not very effective. New research identifies a protein that could pave the way toward drugs against sleeping sickness.
Life Sciences - Health - 23.02.2024
Essential protein that contributes to liver fibrosis
Chronic liver disease is a serious global health problem that has a severe impact on personal quality of life. A major characteristic of chronic liver disease is liver fibrosis, where certain liver cells, called hepatic stellate cells, become activated and produce scar tissue that damages the liver. At present, no specific drugs are available to treat this condition, partly because we know too little about the activation process for the stellate cells, and no specific targets have been identified to date.
Chemistry - Health - 22.02.2024
Fighting disease with digital simulations
What is a lipid membrane? Lipid membranes are ubiquitous structures in the cells of all unicellular and multicellular organisms. Take, for example, the cell wall, also known as the plasma membrane, whose function is to separate the inside of the cell from the outside: in a way, it's the cell's armor.
Health - 09.02.2024
Researcher aims to ease discomfort around end-of-life suffering
Death and the process of dying are increasingly the remit of clinical and medical professionals, creating a cultural and social distance. This distance from death has a major impact on how comfortable or uncomfortable many people feel about the idea of dying. What do you say to someone who is seriously ill and wants to talk about death? What do you do when you see someone suffering significant mental deterioration? Often, our attitude makes us feel insecure and we choose to avoid those people.
Health - Pharmacology - 16.01.2024
Breaking the Cycle of Negative Feedback to Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy
KU Leuven researchers discover how to break the negative feedback loop to improve cancer immunotherapy. Over the past years, immunotherapy has improved the outlook for many cancer patients. However, not all cancers respond to current immunotherapies. A research team led by KU Leuven discovered a key mechanism behind this lack of response, and it came up with an innovative solution.
Health - 11.01.2024
Lung cancer: molecular advances
New discoveries in the treatment of lung cancer: the role of the Bcl-xL protein in the aging of neutrophils, the white blood cells that contribute to tumor development . Neutrophils are white blood cells essential to our defense against bacterial infection. These cells patrol the body for 1 or 2 days, then die and are replaced by new neutrophils.