


Results 1 - 4 of 4.

Law - History / Archeology - 01.02.2021
VUB rediscovers Belgian contribution to peace
In his doctoral research, VUB legal historian Wouter De Rycke investigated the unique but forgotten contribution of the Mons lawyer Louis Bara (1821-1857) to the 19th-century international peace campaign. According to De Rycke, his research offers a glimpse into a rather unknown episode of our history: " In the 19th century, the first internationally organised movement to declare war emerged, a kind of 'NGO' avant la lettre.

Law - Social Sciences - 25.11.2019
New researchers Law and Development
The Law and Development Research Group welcomes Tomaso Ferrando (research professor), Antidius Kaitu, Tefera Addis (PhD researchers) and Anne Oloo (Sustjustice coordinator). The Law and Development Research Group welcomes Tomaso Ferrando (research professor), Antidius Kaitu, and Tefera Addis (PhD researchers).

Law - 22.10.2018
New researchers Law and Development
Inleiding: Leonardo Villafuerte and Alberto Pecoraro both started their PhD at the Law and Development Research Group. The Law and Development Research Group welcomes two new researchers starting up their PhD. Leonardo D. Villafuerte Philippsborn is a full-time lecturer at the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" (UCB), and he is editor of its peer-reviewed law journal (UCB Law Review).

Law - Social Sciences - 04.06.2018
Call for papers Journal for Law, Social Justice and Global Development
Inleiding: LGD is an international, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal and has historically carried articles which cover a range of perspectives and approaches. It has a particular focus on encouraging scholars from the Global South to submit papers. The Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development is an international, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal.