Results 1 - 2 of 2.
Computer Science - Mathematics - 11.12.2019
Plundervolt exposes vulnerability in security technology of Intel processors
Computer scientists from imec-DistriNet (KU Leuven), the University of Birmingham, and TU Graz have shown that the possibility to adjust the operating voltage of Intel processors makes them vulnerable to attack. Modern processors are being pushed to perform faster than ever before, and with this come increases in heat and power consumption.
Physics - Mathematics - 22.11.2017
New type of turbulence discovered in the Sun
In the outer atmosphere of the Sun a form of turbulence has been discovered that has always been considered impossible: the turbulence is not caused by colliding waves, but by waves moving into the same direction. With the discovery of this phenomenon - called 'uniturbulence' - a number of KU Leuven mathematicians have earned their place in the physics handbooks for future generations.