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Pharmacology - Psychology - 14.08.2024
VUB-UGent research on combined treatment of chronic pain and insomnia 
Chronic pain and insomnia often occur together and can seriously affect patient well-being. To improve the quality of life of people who experience chronic pain and associated sleep disorders, the Pain in Motion and Brain, Body and Cognition research groups of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel teamed up with the SPINE research group of the University of Ghent for a large-scale investigation.

Health - Pharmacology - 05.07.2024
New approach to chronic pain  
Chronic pain is one of the most challenging problems facing society. It has a significant impact on the daily lives of 23% of the population, and the care given to patients experiencing persistent pain is often not appropriate. The Pain in Motion research group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) focuses on improving healthcare providers' understanding and treatment of persistent pain.

Health - Pharmacology - 21.05.2024
Could naked mole rats be the key to fighting cancer?
A ULB study reveals a new advance in our understanding of the immune system of the naked mole rat, opening up prospects for cellular immunotherapy of cancer . During the development of cancer, the immune system is able to exert antitumor activity thanks to natural killer (NK) cells and T lymphocytes.

Health - Pharmacology - 22.04.2024
Predicting arrhythmia 30 minutes before it happens
Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia worldwide with around 59 million people concerned in 2019 . This irregular heartbeat is associated with increased risks of heart failure, dementia and stroke. It constitutes a significant burden to healthcare systems, making its early detection and treatment a major goal.

Health - Pharmacology - 04.04.2024
Stool transplantation shows promise for Parkinson's disease
Stool transplantation shows promise for Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Arnout Bruggeman (VIB-UGent-UZ Gent), Prof. Debby Laukens (UGent), Prof. Roosmarijn Vandenbroucke (VIB-UGent) en Prof. Patrick Santens (UZ Gent) Clinical study shows stool transplantation of healthy gut bacteria reduces Parkinson's disease symptoms. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease that affects millions worldwide.

Health - Pharmacology - 16.01.2024
Breaking the Cycle of Negative Feedback to Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy
KU Leuven researchers discover how to break the negative feedback loop to improve cancer immunotherapy. Over the past years, immunotherapy has improved the outlook for many cancer patients. However, not all cancers respond to current immunotherapies. A research team led by KU Leuven discovered a key mechanism behind this lack of response, and it came up with an innovative solution.

Health - Pharmacology - 06.12.2023
Towards a new leukemia therapy?
Towards a new leukemia therapy?
A major discovery in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of leukemia. Research led by François Fuks - Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory, ULB Faculty of Medicine, ULB Cancer Research Center and Institut Jules Bordet, H.U.B . In Belgium, around 1,300 new cases of leukemia are diagnosed every year, a type of blood cancer that affects the entire population.

Pharmacology - 29.08.2023
KU Leuven paves the way for early detection of preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a severe complication of pregnancy, affecting 1 in 40 pregnant women. Identifying high-risk patients is often difficult and complex because the exact cause of preeclampsia is still unknown. Researchers from KU Leuven found that a DNA analysis can tell which women are at higher risk of preeclampsia in the later stages of pregnancy.

Pharmacology - Health - 06.07.2023
A first for UCLouvain in the fight against organ transplant rejection
In Belgium, 40% of people waiting for a transplant are unable to find an organ and therefore have to wait, which is why it is so important to guarantee the success of transplants. One of the major factors in failure is inappropriate dosages of the anti-rejection drug tacrolimus . University of Louvain (UCLouvain)-s Laure Elens and Laure Bindels have uncovered the influence of intestinal microbiota in the variability of the drug's dosages.

Health - Pharmacology - 30.05.2023
KU Leuven and the Institut Pasteur of Dakar join forces for local vaccine production in Africa
Currently, only a meagre 1% of the vaccines needed for Africa are produced locally. The ambition is to raise this number to 60% by 2040. Together, KU Leuven and the Institut Pasteur of Dakar are working to overcome several significant challenges, including the need for continuous cooling, time-consuming methods for certain blood analyses in clinical studies, and the lack of vaccines against several deadly tropical diseases.

Health - Pharmacology - 13.04.2023
Biomarkers to predict how cancer patients respond to immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a powerful way to treat cancer patients but up till now, it was hard to predict why some patients or cancer types do not benefit from this treatment. Researchers could identify markers which predict a patient's or cancer type's response to immunotherapy. For some cancers, immunotherapy can be integrated into the standard treatment but for others, further research is needed to either alter the immunological environment with cancer vaccines or to develop a new type of immunotherapies that target the tumour in another manner.

Health - Pharmacology - 13.03.2023
Shifts in human gut microbiome due to COVID-19
COVID-19, caused by an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in March 2020. While some people developed severe illness and required medical care, many people reported only mild-to-moderate symptoms, if any at all. However, many of the infected individuals have experienced persisting symptoms or frequent other infections months after the initial infection even if they weren-t much impacted by the disease to begin with.

Health - Pharmacology - 23.11.2022
Diabetes: do some sport!
Diabetes: do some sport!
Regular exercise may protect pancreatic beta cells from stresses that contribute to diabetes. Researchers from the ULB Center for Diabete Research observed this in a study published in Diabetologia . Diabetes is characterized by a progressive loss of pancreatic beta cells, the same cells that produce insulin and thus maintain the right level of sugar in the blood.

Pharmacology - Health - 03.05.2022
Antibiotics impact gut microbiome and antimicrobial resistance
Antibiotics impact gut microbiome and antimicrobial resistance
Antibiotics are commonly used to treat infections and ensure the safety of surgical procedures. However, their overuse has led to the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria, resulting in an -arms race- whereby ever more potent drugs are becoming a necessity.

Health - Pharmacology - 21.04.2022
The why behind mild COVID-19
All-Luxembourg study helps to anticipate a personal COVID-19 health trajectory From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of published studies have focused on severe COVID-19 patients in order to understand the causes of critical illness. However, it is equally, if not more important to understand the protective immune factors in our body.

Health - Pharmacology - 12.04.2022
B or not to B: Insights in the regulation of anti-viral immunity
Researchers delve into the inner workings of the antibody immune response, finding key differences in the metabolism of two closely related immune cell subsets. Protection against viral diseases is a key role of our body's immune response, where antibodies are generated to seek out invading species and either neutralise or mark them for destruction.

Health - Pharmacology - 09.03.2022
VUB spin-off Lavima Fertility develops novel fertility treatment that reduces risks and burden
Couples unable to get pregnant naturally often resort to In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) to fulfil their desire to have children. To obtain mature eggs for IVF, women typically undergo ovarian stimulation with hormones which can be very burdensome. A team of scientists of the Follicle Biology (FOBI) Research Laboratory at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in collaboration with the UZ Brussel fertility clinic has succeeded in developing a novel method for In Vitro Maturation (IVM) of oocytes, called CAPA-IVM.

Health - Pharmacology - 04.02.2022
VUB professor Bart Neyns takes initiative to establish Cancer Survivor Center
World Cancer Day, 4 February: Ex-cancer patients have to get used to life again Cancer patients who have survived serious treatment and are free of the disease often suffer an enormous psychological blow afterwards and find it difficult to pick up the thread of life again.

Health - Pharmacology - 04.02.2022
Four out of ten cancer survivors suffer from chronic pain
VUB research suggests pain education and lifestyle are important components of a multimodal approach to treat persistent pain Friday, February 4, 2022 — 4 February is #WorldCancerDay After cancer treatment, many patients continue to suffer from pain. About four out of ten cancer survivors have chronic pain complaints.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.02.2022
Amino acid proline key to promising new treatment strategy for myeloma patients
World Cancer Day, 4 February: Award-winning research on incurable blood cancer Researchers at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, led by Eline Menu, have investigated how changes in metabolism contribute to cancer resistance and relapse.
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