Results 41 - 44 of 44.
Chemistry - Physics - 28.02.2018
Oligorotaxanes, artificial molecular machines capable of exceeding the performance of natural proteins
Researchers at the NANOCHEM laboratory (MolSys Research Unit) of the University of Liege have studied molecules synthesized by Sir Fraser Stoddart's group, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry 2016 and professor at Northwestern University. The results obtained during this research and published in Nature Nanotechnology (1) open up new paths in the use of molecular machines, these synthetic molecules that carry out controlled motion on demand.
Chemistry - Physics - 05.01.2018
Lighting the way to switch chemical reaction pathways
Could the manufacture of the integrated circuits and chips for our everyday electronic devices be made simpler, safer and cheaper simply by being able to switch coloured light on and off? Researchers from Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Australia), Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Belgium's Ghent University have stepped towards this by pioneering a system that modulates visible, coloured light to change the reactions of a powerful chemical coupling agent.
Physics - 22.12.2017
Graphene well-suited for rapid internet
Introduction: Ben Van Duppen (University of Antwerp) and his international colleagues are paving the way for a successful internet of things. The ultra-thin material graphene can make the internet several thousand times faster. By cutting the material into very small strips, the researchers from several institutions, including the University of Antwerp, discovered a new effect that could give a strong boost to fibre internet.
Physics - Mathematics - 22.11.2017
New type of turbulence discovered in the Sun
In the outer atmosphere of the Sun a form of turbulence has been discovered that has always been considered impossible: the turbulence is not caused by colliding waves, but by waves moving into the same direction. With the discovery of this phenomenon - called 'uniturbulence' - a number of KU Leuven mathematicians have earned their place in the physics handbooks for future generations.