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Computer Science

Results 1 - 50 of 52.

Innovation - Computer Science - 12.08.2024
The CD-ROM, a precursor of our digital world

Innovation - Computer Science - 22.07.2024
SnT Trains ICT Professors for West Africa

Agronomy / Food Science - Computer Science - 08.07.2024
Food for thought: leveraging artificial intelligence for the agriculture of the future
As the world population is projected to reach over 8 billion people in 2030, one of the major societal challenges faced across the globe will be sufficient, safe, and sustainable food.

Politics - Computer Science - 03.05.2024
Cast your vote: making e-voting safer and verifiable
In a couple of days, millions of citizens will cast their vote in the European elections - in paper ballots, online or electronically supported.

Campus - Computer Science - 08.02.2024
Women and Girls in Science : Portraits of the Organizing Committee

Art and Design - Computer Science - 15.12.2023
VUB spin-off instrumental in digitalisation of Flemish primitive artist Hans Memling
VUB spin-off instrumental in digitalisation of Flemish primitive artist Hans Memling

Computer Science - Environment - 08.11.2023
VUB to host new Flemish Tier-1 supercomputer on Green Energy Park site
The Vrije Universiteit Brussel is delighted that the next Tier-1 supercomputer of the Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) will be hosted and managed by VUB at the Nexus data centre on its Green Energy Park site in Zellik.

Law - Computer Science - 25.10.2023
Legal tech under the microscope in the European VUB project COHUBICOL
Legal tech under the microscope in the European VUB project COHUBICOL
For the past five years, the international project COHUBICOL (Counting as a Human Being in the Era of Computational Law), led by VUB professor Mireille Hildebrandt , has focused on 'legal tech' and its integration into legal practice.

Innovation - Computer Science - 15.05.2023
Partnership Day 2023: The Future is Here

Computer Science - Campus - 27.03.2023
New Professor in machine learning

Mathematics - Computer Science - 21.03.2023
VUB professor recognised for international impact in maths

Computer Science - Campus - 17.03.2023
New VUB Programme Prepares Master’s Students for World of ICT

Computer Science - Career - 22.02.2023
University launches its own Master in High Performance Computing

Computer Science - 09.02.2023
Women in Science: Manel Barkallah, the computer scientist at the heart of the language of robotics
On the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science proclaimed on February 11 by the United Nations General Assembly, discover the portrait and testimonies of UNamur scientists who conduct cutting-edge research in fields such as physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science.

Computer Science - Campus - 25.01.2023
New Master programme in cybersecurity

Innovation - Computer Science - 28.11.2022
Luxembourgish and Computational Linguistics

Computer Science - 18.10.2022
Disclosing Software Vulnerabilities: An Ethical Perspective
Naturally, we want our software and the services that we use to be secure, and this often requires discovering vulnerabilities and taking actions to fix them. But what is the right way to disclose vulnerabilities to vendors and the public? Many researchers will find themselves in the position of finding and disclosing vulnerabilities, often accidentally.

Computer Science - Innovation - 07.10.2022
Belgium’s King Phillipe visits FARI - AI for the Common Good Institute

Computer Science - 21.09.2022
EIC Pathfinder grant for research in AI-driven data visualisation
A team of researchers from the University of Luxembourg, AEGIS IT Research GmbH , Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), and Telefónica I+D (Spain) has received an EIC Pathfinder Challenge grant of 4 million euros for their research in AI-driven data visualisation systems.

Environment - Computer Science - 09.09.2022
Laying the foundation stone of the Green Energy Park datacenter

Computer Science - 13.04.2022
SnT’s Michael Dazhi Wins IEEE Internet for All Prize
In a developed society, using the internet has become a part of our everyday routine. It often constitutes our working day, as well as time spent relaxing in the evening - in fact, the idea of living without it might now feel impossible.

Computer Science - History / Archeology - 01.04.2022
D4H: Data Science meets Digital History
The mass digitisation of historical sources and the exponential growth native digital online sources have catapulted the discipline of history from an -age of scarcity- to an -age of abundance-.

Campus - Computer Science - 16.03.2022
VUB launches Belgium’s first academic bachelor programme in artificial intelligence
The Vrije Universiteit Brussel will launch a bachelor of science (BSc) programme in artificial intelligence beginning in the academic year 2022-23. Jan Danckaert, interim rector and vice-recto

Computer Science - Event - 16.03.2022
Lionel Briand Wins ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award

Philosophy - Computer Science - 15.03.2022
AI and ethics: the Knowledge Centre Data & Society opens helpdesk for AI professionals

Computer Science - Environment - 15.03.2021
FARI - a new Artificial intelligence institute in Brussels

Sport - Computer Science - 23.02.2021
Brand new virtual reality box for pioneering research into virtual sports
Innovations will make sports in virtual world possible Research into sports in virtual reality (VR) will soon start at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Event - Computer Science - 23.11.2020
Most Influential Paper Award SPLC 2020

Computer Science - 13.10.2020
Welcome to Andriy Kosar, our new doctoral candidate at CLiPS

Computer Science - Campus - 27.09.2020
A new member of Ghent University makes an entrance: welcome to supercomputer Hortense!
A new member of Ghent University makes an entrance: welcome to supercomputer Hortense!
Boasting a RAM memory of almost 100 TB, a top performance reaching 3.3 petaflops, . Hortense has quite a list of accolades.

Computer Science - 14.05.2020
New: OnArchitecture

Computer Science - 14.12.2019
New: OnArchitecture

Computer Science - 18.03.2019
Off campus access Jurisquare and Stradalex

Computer Science - 18.02.2019
New database: IEEE Xplore

Computer Science - 07.02.2019
Supercomputer boasts unparalleled computing power

Computer Science - 02.01.2019

Computer Science - 19.11.2018
Vacancy Research Professor
Inleiding: The Faculty of Law and the Institute for Development policy (IOB) are seeking to fill a full-time vacancy for a Research professor in the area of sustainable development and environmental justice. As part of its dynamic research policy and supported by the possibilities offered by the Flemish Government through the resources of the Special Research Fund (BOF), the Faculty of Law and the Institute for Development policy (IOB) are seeking to fill a full-time vacancy for a Research professor (TTZAPBOF) in the area of sustainable development and environmental justice.

Computer Science - 31.10.2018
Informatique: Francqui Chair "Preventive Debugging: from Test to Repair and Back Again"

Computer Science - 28.09.2018
New: VoteWatch Europe

Environment - Computer Science - 07.05.2018
IOB receives money from BELMONT and NORFACE for research project

Innovation - Computer Science - 16.03.2018
Seamless communication soon possible even in crisis situations?
Scientists from IDLab, a core imec research group embedded in the universities of Ghent and Antwerp, are working on an innovative system for wireless networks to enable smooth communication even in crisis situations.

Computer Science - 13.02.2018
CLiPS selected as mentor organization for Google Summer of Code 2018

Physics - Computer Science - 13.02.2018
Professor Calderbank about recent developments in Quantum Computing

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 22.01.2018
Young scientist wins bitcoin by hacking DNA

Computer Science - 11.12.2017
Digital technology: a vehicle for opportunity and social cohesion

Economics - Computer Science - 11.12.2017
L'UCL répertorie les catastrophes naturelles
L’UCL répertorie les catastrophes naturelles
Recherche UCL - 10 décembre, journée internationale du climat - communiqué de presse 2017: fewer disasters but more cost damages, reports researchers of University of Louvain (UCL) EMDAT is an intern

Environment - Computer Science - 07.12.2017
IOB receives money from BELMONT and NORFACE for research project

Computer Science - Life Sciences - 25.10.2017
Dare to Think: Ghent University people on their science hero

Electroengineering - Computer Science - 12.10.2017
Top secret! Decrypting the world
Imagine a society without secrets. A kind of space-time where everything and everyone would be known.

Computer Science - Electroengineering - 16.08.2017
Robots can heal themselves
Cutting your hand, tearing a muscle, or even breaking a bone - these are all injuries that heal over time.