salaries of researchers in Belgium
Salaries for scientific researchers in Belgium vary according to sector, research area, location, experience and qualifications. Researchers with more advanced qualifications, such as a doctorate or post-doctorate, can expect higher salaries.
Gross annual income (median)
The median gross annual income for all levels of education and all ages in Belgium was around 48,600 EUR in 2021.
University salaries
In Belgium, university graduates generally earn more than people without a university degree. The salary of a university graduate varies according to field of study, sector of activity and level of education. On average, the gross annual income of a university graduate is around 45,000 to 55,000 EUR per year. Graduates in the technical, scientific, finance and engineering fields tend to earn higher salaries than those in the humanities and social sciences. Belgian academics also benefit from salary prospects that increase with experience and qualifications.
Salary by sector and occupational group
Technology and applied sciences: EUR 50,000 to 70,000
Health and medical sciences: EUR 45,000 to 65,000
Social sciences and humanities: EUR 40,000-55,000
Salary calculator
Expected salary depends on age, education and sector of activity, but also on region, company and professional experience. You can use the salary calculator to calculate the expected salary based on the above factors at: SPF Emploi - Simulateur de calcul du salaire net (MySalary.be, linked to SD Worx)
Poverty threshold
According to Statbel, the Belgian statistics office, 18.6% of the population are at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE). These are the figures for the year 2023, published on the basis of the EU-SILC survey on income and living conditions. The poverty threshold in Belgium is EUR 1,450 for a single person and EUR 3,045 for a household of two adults and two children.