wire - news in brief
Results 1 - 15 of 15.
Mathematics - Campus - 13.03.2024
Students can count on maths
Event - Mathematics - 13.12.2023
Press event: Exhibition 40 Years AI Lab at VUB
Mathematics - 19.07.2023
Researcher solves decades-old maths problem
How do you solve a mathematical problem that's seen no progress in 40 years? Dr Sam Mattheus, affiliated with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, went to the US for a year to find out.
Mathematics - 12.05.2023
GEM Day 2023: more than 230 high-school girls play with mathematics
Mathematics - Computer Science - 21.03.2023
VUB professor recognised for international impact in maths
Mathematics - 15.03.2023
Maths is boring? Not if you ask the Blije Bruintjes
Law - Mathematics - 07.02.2023
VUB awards six honorary doctorates to defenders of freedom and inspiring scientists
Event - Mathematics - 11.04.2022
Uni’s ’ReCreate’ Project draws over 1,000 visitors/day at Dubai Expo
Mathematics - 14.03.2022
Tremendous Tradition: Vrije Universiteit Brussel celebrates Pi Day with Mathematical Contest
Event - Mathematics - 17.02.2022
Participate in the project ReCreate!
The University of Luxembourg, and more specifically the Department of Mathematics, will be at the Expo in Dubai from 22 February to 5 March 2022 with their project ReCreate.
Administration - Mathematics - 07.01.2019
ERC Consolidator Grant for Professor Wendy Lowen
Administration - Mathematics - 07.12.2018
ERC Consolidator Grant for Professor Wendy Lowen
Mathematics - 07.06.2018
Cohabitees more likely to separate
Introduction: UAntwerp scientists carried out in-depth study of 'invisible wave of separations' and conclude: couples who do not marry tend to split up much more quickly.
Innovation - Mathematics - 22.02.2018
Paper accepted at NAACL 2018
Innovation - Mathematics - 22.12.2017
Paper accepted at NAACL 2018